To create a Smart Lock for a user, select "Addresses" > "Residential unit".
By creating a Smart Lock for a Nuki Box, an invitation code is generated that you can share with a person who should get access to the building.
After entering the invitation code in the Nuki App and activating the Nuki Web account, the person has the possibility to open the door and authorize family and friends to open the door as well via the Nuki App or a Nuki Fob. Per Smart Lock, a user authorized by you can create 100 permissions for friends and family.
However, users have no possibility to manage the Nuki Box, change settings or track activity log entries to other Smart Locks of the Nuki Box. Only those activity log entries of own authorizations can be seen by the user.
If you remove the "Residential unit", all permissions of the residential unit will be deleted. This way you can make sure that all access permissions of this residential unit are deactivated after a person has moved out, for example.
Please note that activity log entries of users are displayed anonymously to comply with data protection regulations.