Features for Nuki partner businesses
Nuki Partner Program
With Nuki you get the key on your smartphone. Using the Nuki app, you and your staff can open multiple residence ent...
Manage Nuki Web Partner Account
The Nuki Web Partner account is a Nuki Web account that allows you to manage all permissions of your employees. In t...
Add and manage Nuki Partner App users
To allow an employee of your company to open a door via smartphone, create an authorization for the person in your N...
Nuki Partner App: Locking with the Smartphone
To open the door via smartphone using the Nuki Partner App, just tap the "Open" button in your Nuki Partner App.Swip...
Add and manage Nuki Fob permissions
To enable an employee of your company to use the Nuki Fob to open doors, the Nuki Fob has to be added to your Nuki W...
Locking with the Nuki Fob
Open the door with the Nuki Fob. Once a Nuki Fob is linked to the Nuki Box Partner account, the door can be opened s...
Locking with the physical key
All companies or service providers that had access via a central key so far need a partner access for the Nuki Box. ...